Powdery mildew of the sage

  Powdery mildew or white sickness is a cryptogamic disease, that is of fungal origin, which can affect sage plants and occurs on the leaves. This is the most frequent pathology among those that can affect this aromatic herb and occurs in particular with mild temperatures and high humidity. It is a very simple disease to identify: because the white patches that are seen on the leaves of the sage are very characteristic. A reader of Orto Da Coltivare, Barbara, asks me exactly what her plant can have, describing the symptoms of powdery mildew. I answer publicly because I think it may be useful for many to know how to defend themselves from this problem with natural methods and above all how to prevent it. Recognizing powdery mildew on sage Those who cultivate the vegetable garden will already know powdery mildew because it is a frequent pathology also on other cultivated plants, in particular on pumpkin and courgette. Powdery mildew is also called white sickness precisely because it ...

Braised gyoza: the recipe for irresistible Japanese ravioli

Braised gyoza are the meat ravioli typical of the Japanese culinary tradition and derive from the Chinese jiaozi. They are small bundles of dough, rolled out thinly and artfully sealed with the pressure of your fingers, filled with minced pork, cabbage, spring onions, fresh ginger and soy sauce, ingredients that make their flavour unique and unmistakable.

They are browned in a pan, to obtain the golden crust, and then steamed with the braising technique, adding a little water and closing with the lid. They are usually served as an appetizer, dipped in soy sauce or sweet and sour, and are perfect to make at home to amaze guests at an aperitif or a special dinner. Find out how to do it by following our recipe step by step.

Ready in: 1H
Calories in braised gyoza recipe: 820


FLOUR 00 120 gr • 36 kcal
POTATO STARCH as required • 380 kcal
ONIONS 30 gr • 25 kcal
SOY SAUCE 10 gr • 750 kcal
SAKÈ 10 gr
SALT as required • 0 kcal
PEPPER as required • 79 kcal
SOY SAUCE 50 gr • 750 kcal
RICE VINEGAR 40 gr • 10 kcal
SPICY CHILLI OIL as required
The calories refer to 100 grams of the product

How to make braised gyoza

Prepare the pasta for braised gyoza: bring 90 g of water to a boil and pour it into a bowl with the flour; start kneading with a fork (1).

When the temperature of the dough has dropped, transfer it to a work surface, sprinkled with a little potato starch, and knead with your hands for about 10 minutes (2).

Form a firm and homogeneous dough, transfer it to a bowl, cover it with a kitchen towel and let it rest for about 30 minutes (3).

Clean the cabbage and spring onion, then chop finely (4).

Transfer the mince to a bowl, add the minced meat and flavour with a little grated ginger; season with sesame oil, soy sauce, sake (5), a pinch of salt and pepper, then mix well. Cover and let the filling rest.

Sprinkle the work surface with a little potato starch, transfer the dough and knead it until you get a cylinder of about 2 cm in diameter (6).

Cut the cylinder of dough into pieces of about 10 gr each and make balls with your hands (7).

Braised gyoza

Press the balls with the palm of your hand to obtain discs of about 2-3 cm in diameter (8).

Braised gyoza

Roll out each disk with a small rolling pin, turning the dough gradually, until you get quite thin sheets with a diameter of about 6 cm (9).

Braised gyoza

Stuff each disk of dough with a spoonful of filling, then close it and fold it into a crescent; seal the edge, pinching it with your fingers, until you get the typical bundle shape (10).

Braised gyoza

Heat 2 tablespoons of sesame seed oil in a pan, arrange the ravioli and let them cook for a few seconds until the surface is golden and crisp (11).

Braised gyoza

Pour a drop of water to cover the base of the ravioli, close with the lid and continue cooking over moderate heat for about 10 minutes (12).

Braised gyoza

Meanwhile, mix the soy sauce, rice vinegar and a little spicy oil in a bowl (13).

Braised gyoza

As soon as the ravioli are soft, remove the lid and let the cooking juices dry; season again with a drizzle of sesame oil and cook for a few moments (14).

Braised gyoza

Transfer the ravioli (Braised gyoza) to serving plates and serve, accompanying them with the sauce, placed in a separate bowl (15).


Work the dough following the oriental method, rolling out one piece at a time and calmly; as you go, cover the other balls with cling film to prevent them from drying out. To give your ravioli a shape as regular as possible, you can cut them using a special 6 cm diameter pastry cutter.

If you like, you can also make different versions of filling: you can replace a part of minced pork with that of veal or chicken, and the white hood with cabbage. You can also simply steam them, fry them in hot oil, or plate them on the grill, serving them sprinkled with little sesame seeds on the surface.

To make your ravioli even more aromatic and crunchy, we recommend using toasted sesame seed oil.


Braised gyoza can be stored for 1 day in the refrigerator, closed in a special airtight container. If you have used fresh and not thawed ingredients, you can also put them in the freezer raw.

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